
General Goat Information

Mammary gland, and milk production

Homemade Goat Cheese Recipe

Homemade Yogurt Recipe

The amount to feed Standard Nubians

The plants which are edible for goats

Herbal wormer ingredients purchase

Growing Sprouted Fodder For Livestock by Jason Wiskerchen

Grow Organic – source for seeds and other items

Calcium Content in Foods

Goat Diary Library – Database

Goat Link – Index

Emergency Goat Care

Common Goat Medicines and How to Use them

Goat Dairy Library

Goats Nutritional Needs

Setting Up a Goat Dairy

Forms – Download PDF

How to Build a PVC Hoophouse – For Shelter or Garden

Goat House Design – Gallery Images

General Goat Information

Goat Organizations
(American Dairy Goat Assoc.)
(North American Pack Goat Assoc.)

Goat Products and Supplies

Internet Goat Discussion Groups
There are dozens of goat groups of varied scope and participation. Start by looking at: for “Practical Goats”, “Packgoats”, or NubianTalk groups among many others.


Goats and Goatkeeping by Katie Thear,
Merehurst Press, London, England, copyright 1988

Other helpful books:

Raising Milk Goats Successfully by Gail Luttmann,
Williamson Publishing, Charlotte, Vermont, copyright 1986
Goat Husbandry by David Mackenzie, Faber and Faber, London, England, copyright 1957, revised fifth edition 1993
Raising Milk Goats the Modern Way by Jerry Belanger, Storey Communications, Pownal, Vermont, copyright 1990
Nanny Manicures by Diane Gray,
Stringalong Enterprises, Wauchula, Florida, copyright 1998
The Pack Goat by John Mionczynski,
Pruett Publishing Company, Boulder Colorado, copyright 1992
Practical Goatpacking by Carolyn Eddy,
ECPG, Estacada, Oregon , copyright 1999
Goat Medicine by Mary C. Smith and David M. Sherman, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, New York, NY, copyright 1994

 Sancta Grotto

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