Alfalfa Pellets for Standard Nubians

Alfalfa Pellets for Standard Nubians
• Rule of thumb is about 3 pounds per day (give or take) for a lactating doe per 100 pounds body weight
• Average standard sized breed is about 175 to 200 pounds
• #10 can of alfalfa pellets is about 4.8 pounds

Pounds Per Day:  Lactating 5 1/4 – Non-Lactating 3 1/2

Pounds Per Feeding:  Lactating 2 1/8 – Non-Lactating 1 3/4

#10 Can Amount Per Feeding:  Lactating 1/2 can – Non-Lactating over 1/3 can

Adverage Price:  Alfalfa Pellets $14.99/50 lb bag (.30/lg)
Adverage Price:  Alfalfa Pellets $11.99/40 lb bag (.30)

Price Per Goat:  Lactating $1.58/day and $47.25/month
Price Per Goat:  Non-Lactating $1.05/day $31.50/month

*Note: It is important to change any feed gradually over a two week span. Keep feeding what you are normally feeding and decrease a little bit of that, then introduce the new feed gradually. This is because of how the rumen works.

> Goat Care

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