
I do not give pasteurized milk to my kids. However, I will feed your pre-ordered kid pasteurized milk on request though I do not recommend it. I feel kids fed pasteurized milk may have immune deficiencies. If you want to have your kid fed pasteurized milk, I require that the full price of the kid be paid at time of deposit and notice given to me at least 30 days prior to kidding to do so. Feel free to ask about any other special treatment you would like your goat to have. I will be happy to work with you and your future kid.

I require a $100 deposit to reserve the kid of your choice. If a reserved kid is not born or if it is not available for any reason, the deposit will be transferred to another available kid of your choice or refunded in full. Deposits are not refundable on buyer cancelled orders. The remaining balance is due within 2 weeks of notification of availability of your kid. If payment is not received within 2 weeks of notification, the goat may be resold and all monies paid will be forfeited (unless special arrangements have been agreed to in writing).  I gladly accept checks for deposits as long as they clear; they should be made out to me; Larry Williams. I do require that the balance be paid with certified funds (cash, money order, cashier’s check). I may accept trades. If you have something you would be interested in trading, just ask.

I encourage you to pick up your kids. It is usually less expensive, and you get to see your kid and it’s parents, take pictures etc. Please call ahead and set up a time, so I can know you are coming and make sure I am available. If a kid is not picked up within 6 weeks, boarding fees will apply; unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon. Boarding for does brought back for service or for kids not yet picked up are at the rate of $2-3 a day (depending on amount of care I feel is needed). Any health care required on boarded animals is the responsibility/cost of the owner.

I award reservations based on the order deposits are post dated.  If a reservation is changed to a different goat, previous reservations for that goat take priority. I recommend, but do not require, a first and second choice per deposit. First-choice reservations are given preference.  If I have extra kids born, they will be offered first to customers whose reservations could not be filled.

Usually, I notify buyers when kids are born, but I don’t release the kid for purchase until I have determined it is of satisfactory quality and as in the case of first fresheners, that the dam’s udder and milk volume is satisfactory. This may take a week or more.

Goats that remain unpaid for after six weeks (unless special arrangements have been agreed to) may be resold to another buyer and any monies paid forfeited. I am not financially responsible for the medical expenses of a purchased goat either, before or after it leaves my care – though I make diligent efforts to maintain each goat’s health.

I do ship from the Boise airport. Health papers are covered with your deposit for air transport. I am over an hours drive to the airport, so there will be an added fee of $25 for transport to the airport in case of shipments from Boise. Required or requested laboratory tests are the financial responsibility of the buyer, as are the transporting kennels and any vet care needed for goats not yet picked up or shipped.

I reserve the right to select animals for my herd’s needs. I also require 10 straws of semen to be made available to me at the cost of collection from any buck that I sell, should I request them. I do not usually offer outside buck services for goats that did not come from my herd.  If you need buck services please contact me.

Buyers may, if a reserved goat is either not born or is retained by me, move the reservation to another goat available or have it returned in full. However, no refunds will be made if a reservation is cancelled by the buyer after it is made.

I will provide you with the condition of any goats available for purchase.  But due to disease prevention and my inability to know the management practices of the new owner, I do not guarantee performance, take back or give refunds on goats after leaving my herd, except under exceptional circumstances. If I am interested and/or willing, I may buy back a goat for a negotiated price. If you feel you have an exceptional circumstance, feel free to ask for a suitable agreement to be worked out. Please ask questions and know your goats before you purchase them.

I like to maintain contact with people who have purchased a goat from me. I want to make sure all who purchase my goats enjoy them as much as I do. Please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help. Also, if you ever sell a goat you purchased from me, please pass my name and contact information along to the new owner.

Thank you for considering my herd Sancta Grotto,

Larry Williams