Herbal Treatments for CAE

Holistic methods to treat a goat with CAE is the following:

  • Provide the goat with as stress free a place to live as possible. Make certain that they have clean living conditions, a comfortable shelter, healthy food, fresh water, good browse, and access to sun and shade.
  • To help boost their immune system so that their bodies can fight against the virus give:
  • To help combat the CAE virus give:
    • St. John’s Wort Tincture
  • To help with the pain and swelling of the knees, use Comfrey, either as a poultice of the dry herb, herbal oil, or as part of Molly’s Marvelous Herbal Salve or Aches N’ Painz Salve.
  • To help relieve pain and inflammation give:
  • To help with the arthritis give:

As we do more research on this subject, we may revise and ad to this course of treatment.

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